Rich Arlington & Associates

Phone: 814-864-2586 | Toll-free: 1-866-454-0948

Training in snow and ice management

Rich Arlington and Associates is proud to provide training in snow and ice management for your staff that works! With our operations in Erie, PA we have a unique opportunity to take your best and make them better! Erie receives on average 54 plowing events and 70 salting events per year. The average snowfall in a 15 mile radius can range from 90” to as much as 200”. What might take you years in your market we can achieve in weeks. We can train your staff on operations to include:

  • Dispatching for time lines
  • Routing
  • Skid Steer plowing operations
  • Loader plowing operations
  • Truck plowing operations
  • Proper Salting methods and putting down just enough to do the job
  • How to maintain sidewalks even in the worst conditions
  • Proper record keeping and what data to collect off each event
  • Paperwork for billing
  • Customer service during snow storms
  • How an account manger sells during winter

Send your best people to work in one of the heaviest and most frequent snow markets in the country. We will put them in our equipment and run them through plowing operations, salting operations, sidewalk work, and all other aspects. Maintenance of equipment before, during, and after the snow events. Proper paperwork and record keeping.

Our associates have been expert witnesses in many snow & ice cases. This has given us excellent knowledge of what information you must have should your company ever be involved in litigation. We will teach your staff what information to gather throughout the event to limit your liability.

Send the best you have and we will make them better, get them prepared for the next big storm you have in your market. Your staff will learn crucial knowledge that they can bring back and implement into your operations. After going through training in Erie, your staff will be able to overcome fear of the big one.

We charge an affordable rate per person – you must cover their expenses for lodging, meals, and continue to pay them while they learn.

For information on our NEW Contractor Consulting & Training programs, Contractor Business Solutions Program

Contact Us

If you are a contractor, a municipality or school district looking for training for your staff then contact us now by submitting the form below:

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